Meet Your Badge Requirements at the Long Island Museum!
All programs are offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and last for one hour.
$100 per program for up to 12 Scouts. $10 for each additional Scout. **
**$120 for Fit to Print. $12 for each additional Scout.
Please call (631) 751-0066 ext 212 to register for a program.
Colorful World
Visit our Art museum to experience the world through an artist’s eyes. Then enter our studio and
mix colors to create your own masterpiece.
Wolf “Be an Artist”
Bear “Art”
Tiger ”Our Colorful World”
Carriage Adventure
Become a carriage salesperson and search the museum’s collection for the perfect vehicle for
your customer’s needs. Does it have the right features, storage and finish? Convince your fellow
Bear “The Past is Exciting and Important”
Schoolhouse Adventure
Step back in time to a 19th Century Schoolhouse. Under the direction of a costumed schoolmarm,
scouts will saw wood, write with dip pens, figure on slateboards, read from a McGuffey Reader
and play old-fashioned recess games.
Bear “The Past is Exciting and Important”
Webelos “Scholar”
Take A Closer Look
Learn to look at art a little differently! Through a series of games in the Art museum and the
making of a 19th century optical illusion toy, scouts will discover how line, shape and color make all the difference.
Wolf “Be an Artist”
Bear “Art”
Webelos “Artist”
Fit to Print
Welcome to Printmaking! Scouts will learn about this art form and use the block printing
technique to make colorful note cards to take home.
Wolf “Be an Artist”
Bear “Art”
Webelos “Artist”
19th Century Life on Long Island
Travel back to Long Island in the year 1850! What was life like for families living on a farm at
mid-century? Practice chores using historic tools, climb aboard a farm wagon and even learn a
19th century dance.
Tiger Cub Achievement:
Making My Family Special